
Safety Updates Monthly Series

This free monthly safety updates webinar series is presented by OSHA Authorized Trainer and ERC Course Director, Alba Vasquez, and is hosted every first Friday of the month unless noted otherwise. Each month focuses on a new safety topic and how to be compliant with Cal/OSHA.

Register Here   Accreditation: REHS, BRN, and BCSP Continuing Education Units are available after attending.

Spanish: Heat Illness Prevention

Prevencion de Enfermedades por el Calor.

Con el clima tan extremo en todo nuestro país y este verano de olas de calor, se vuelve de suma importancia prevenir las enfermedades causadas por el calor.
Toda organización y empleador debe verificar que haya cumpliendo de la regla de Cal/OSHA para proteger la salud y seguridad de los empleados que trabajan expuestos al calor.

Register Here   Accreditation: REHS, BRN, and BCSP are available after attending the session.

Mental Health in the Workplace Webinar Symposium

Depression, anxiety, and substance abuse can result in interpersonal conflict, workplace violence, reduced productivity, lost work time, and many other problems. This webinar symposium series will cover different topics biannually.  This is intended for physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, industrial hygienists, safety professionals, disability and human resources specialists, employers, supervisors, and more.

Register here Accreditation: CME, REHS, BRN, and BCSP are available after attending the session.

ERC Partner Webinars

UC Berkeley Center for Occupational and Environmental Health: Weekly Industrial Hygiene & Ergonomics Webinars


Rutgers Center for Public Health Workforce Development: Opioids in the Workplace: Awareness - a 1-hour, self-paced online training program


California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment: Recognition, Management, and Reporting of Pesticide Illness. This free, 1-hour course on pesticide illness surveillance is designed to help medical professionals recognize the symptoms of pesticide poisoning. Learn how to diagnose and treat pesticide illnesses.


Past Recorded Webinars

COVID-19 Updates in the Workplace Series

This webinar series presented by an OSHA Authorized Trainer covered brief overviews and updates from trusted sources on how to keep workers, managers and staff safe while working during the pandemic. As of June 3, 2022, this series has ended.