Occupational Health & Safety Principles and Nursing Certification Review

State-of-the-art information in the field of occupational and environmental health and safety. Comprehensive workbook/resource manuals included; Test taking techniques and strategies for examination preparation; Written tests; Participative lectures.

Management/Coordinator/Consultant Functions: Provide advice and manage Occupational Health and Safety Programs, services and staff

Clinical Functions in OHN Practice: Clinical care, environmental relationships, counseling, client advocacy, and change agent

Advisor/Educator Functions in OHN Practice: Health protection, health promotion, health education, and research


Additional resources suggested for the COHN/COHN-S Certification exam:

  • Fundamentals of Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing: AAOHN Core Curriculum, 4th edition
  • Fundamentals of Occupational and Environmental Health Nursing: AAOHN Core Curriculum, 4th edition, Online Test
  • Standards of Occupational Health Nursing
  • Code of Ethics

To order: www.aaohn.org from the Online Store or call 312-321-5173


  • ABOHN Certification Self Assessment Test (CSAT) for COHN, COHN-S and CM.

To order: www.abohn.org under Certification tab or download order form. ABOHN: 630-789-5799


Who Should Attend?

Designed for Nurses who are:

  • Employed in the field of Occupational & Environmental Health
  • Preparing for the American Board of Occupational Health Nurses Certification Exams—COHN or COHN-S
  • Considering entering the field of Occupational & Environmental Health Nursing
  • Setting up Occupational & Environmental Health Programs

Valuable information for:

  • Case Managers
  • Risk Managers
  • Safety Consultants
  • Physicians
  • Workers’ Compensation Claims Personnel
  • Directors/Administrators of Occupational and Environmental Health Facilities



Management / Coordinator / Consultant Functions:

  • Provide advice and manage Occupational Health and Safety Programs, services and staff
  • Assessment of corporate, environmental and employee needs
  • Analysis of health and safety data to identify program and organization status/needs
  • Review of managerial roles, concepts, principles, applications, mission statement, strategic planning systems, staffing, facilities, policies and procedures, budgets, cost benefit/cost effective analyses
  • Knowledge base necessary to the practice of OHN
  • Review of collaborative relationships with management, employees, health and safety professionals, providers, and community agencies and representatives
  • Establishment of networks of qualified providers of health and safety services
  • Scope, definition, ethical issues and standards of OHN practice
  • Recordkeeping systems in the OH setting/principles of confidentiality
  • Review/design of legally mandated health and safety programs (OSHA, ADA, FMLA, DOT, CLIA, etc.)
  • Design and evaluation of health and safety programs and expected outcomes/TQM/CQI

Clinical Functions in OHN Practice:

  • Clinical care, environmental relationships, counseling, client advocacy, and change agent
  • Assessment of individual’s physical and mental health status and needs
    Health and medical surveillance systems and programs
  • Identification/symptomatology/management of occupational diseases and injuries
  • Health effects and medical/environmental monitoring of environmental stresses (chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic), principles of toxicology
  • Worksite walk-through surveys, industrial hygiene and safety principles
  • Case management/managed care/rehabilitation
  • Primary care, nursing diagnosis, nursing guidelines, interventions and expected outcomes
  • Counseling/employee assistance programs

Advisor/Educator Functions in OHN Practice:

  • Health protection, health promotion, health education, and research
  • Health protection/health promotion/health education program design
  • Survey methods and identification of learning needs
  • Knowledge of the work environment/control measures
  • Planning interventions/expected outcomes related to health protection, promotion and education
  • Health and safety training and education programs
  • Research and epidemiology in OHN

* Subject to modification


Other Registration Options

Email Us: erc@ph.ucla.edu

Call Us: 310-825-0709


Payment Terms:

Classes are subject to cancellation by the host due to low registration or scheduling issues. If a class is cancelled by the host, participants will receive a full refund of their original payment.

(rev. 11/6/09):

Participant cancellations must be in writing. Refund schedule due to participant-requested cancellations is:

  • 15 or more business days before the class: 80% of registration fee
  • 7-14 business days before the class: 50% of registration fee
  • Less than 7 days before the class and “no shows”: No refund

If course materials such as books have been sent to course participants in advance, the cost of that material will be subtracted from the refund.

UCLA reserves the right to postpone an offering 7 days prior to the course date should minimum enrollment requirements not be met. If a program is canceled, you will be notified and your registration fee will be refunded in full, less the cost of course materials sent in advance if they are not returned in the condition in which they were received. The liability of UCLA is limited to the course fee.