We will come to you!
At the Continuing Education/Outreach Program, we can take many of our courses on the road. We are currently able to offer on-site training in the following counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Kern, San Diego, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura and Santa Barbara. On-Site training can greatly benefit employers in many ways:
- Dates and times that meet your needs
- Lower cost per employee
- Reduce or eliminate travel expenses
- Reduce accidents or near misses
- Reduce time away from work
- Reduce lost-time days
- May provide the opportunity for addressing site specific issues and hand-on experience
Your place or ours?
We are happy to use your facilities (usually a more economical option) orto locate a near-by convenient site for training.
What kind of training?
Choose among the courses listed below. Customize the course to your needs. Mix and Match topics to build the curriculum.
· Biological Hazards
· Bloodborne Pathogens
· Chemical Hazards
· Confined Space Awareness
· Hazard Communication
· Fleet and Vehicle Safety
· Hazardous Materials Management Series (CHMM, CHMP, HMMT/Fundamentals of Hazardous Materials Management
· Heat Illness Prevention
· Incident Investigation
· Injury and Illness Prevention Programs
· Office Ergonomics
· Personal Protective Equipment
· Train-the-Trainer for Workplace Safety…and Everything Else
· Workplace Violence Prevention
· 24-Hour HAZWOPER
If you don’t see it listed, ask.
Open Enrollment or Closed?
Closed enrollment means only your employees may attend. Open enrollment means we will seek trainees from your surrounding community. Open enrollment is a way to potentially reduce the cost to you.
Minimum Requirements
All you need is at least 10 employees per class. Because most of our courses are highly interactive, we usually limit the size of each class to 25.
Cost? Train More for Less
Cost is based on a number of factors that may include number and length of course(s)/topics; number of trainees; faculty expense including travel; transportation of equipment and course materials; cost of facilities, if any.
Once we have the details we will provide you with a quote.
All courses should be eligible for the following accreditation: ABIH (Industrial Hygiene), BCSP (Safety Engineers), BRN (Registered Nurses [CA]). Some courses may be eligible for Human Resources and REHS (Environmental Health Specialist [CA] contact hours.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”orange” align=”align_left” el_width=”10″][vc_column_text]Who Should Attend
Managers and Supervisors, Human Resources Managers and staff, Training Managers, Labor/Management health and safety committee members, Risk managers, Loss control specialists, workers. Our instructors believe that maturity of judgment comes from life-long learning and experience.
Tailor the courses to the trainees. For example, provide one level of Chemical Hazards Awareness for workers and a higher level for Supervisors.
Or, provide Train-the-Trainer for your managers and supervisors, then have them participate in training workers in, for example, Heat Illness Prevention.
Contact us at 310/206-2304 or erc@ph.ucla.edu for more information
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