Dr. Brogmus has 40 years’ experience as a safety and ergonomics consultant, working with leaders in some of the largest organizations in the US, in nearly every industry. He currently teaches ergonomics at UCLA and CSUN. He was formerly the Product Director – Science & Research with Liberty Mutual’s Risk Control Services, responsible for establishing and coordinating research and development partnerships with universities, consortiums, and technology innovators. He conducts safety research, writes peer-reviewed articles, and develops consulting tools and resources in the areas of back pain reduction, the aging workforce, upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders, same-level falls, manual handling risk assessment, and the impact of work scheduling on fatigue and injury risk. He has a BS in electrical engineering (UCLA), a Masters in Human Factors (USC), and a PhD in Environmental Health Sciences (UCLA). He is a Certified Professional Ergonomist.
Email: gbrogmus@ucla.edu